Saturday, August 15, 2015

What Really Goes Into Your Monthly Mortgage Payment?

We all know that buying a home is a big financial decision — likely among the largest you will make your life. So what is all your money going toward, really? It goes far beyond just principal and interest on the actual home. Check out this list of monthly expenses you will likely encounter as a homeowner.


If you aren’t paying for your home upfront in cash, you will have to finance it somehow. Your monthly mortgage payment goes toward the amount you originally borrowed (principal) and the interest on that principal. The amount is calculated based on how much you borrowed, the interest rate you and your lender agreed upon and the length of the loan. Your credit standing has a big influence on what your interest rate will be and thus the size of your payments; checking your credit before you shop for a home is wise. (You can check a free credit report summary, updated every 30 days, at

Property Tax

Taxes can add hundreds of dollars to your monthly bills, but they help cover valuable public expenses, like community safety, schools, infrastructure and more. Depending on where you live, you will incur different tax rates. Property taxes are calculated by local government and are usually based on your home’s assessed value.


Between basic homeowner’s insurance that offers protection against fire and theft and private mortgage insurance that protects your lender against you defaulting on the loan if your down payment was less than 20% of the mortgage value, insurance can be a big item in your monthly budget. And don’t forget that you may need additional coverage against things like floods or earthquakes depending on where your home is located.


Owning a home means you are responsible for repairs and upkeep, unlike when you rent. It’s important to have money set aside in your budget to cover everything from small do-it-yourself jobs to the serious issues that inevitably come up from time to time. Hopefully your home inspection can help prepare you for the life expectancy for the major components like the roof, plumbing and electrical systems.


Every month, you have to pay your utility bills, from heating and cooling to electricity, natural gas and water. These can fluctuate throughout the year based on outside conditions like temperature and humidity. It’s a good idea to budget for this variable expense by looking at last year’s usage.

HOA Fees

If you purchase property into a condominium or townhome-type community covered by a homeowners association, you will have to pay yearly or monthly fees to upkeep common areas and other shared expenses.

The bottom line here is to prepare yourself. It’s important to understand the full costs of homeownership. Do your best to know what is coming and create a comprehensive budget that accounts for the whole package.

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This article originally appeared on

This article by AJ Smith was distributed by the Personal Finance Syndication Network.

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