Thursday, October 1, 2015

Raising Money Smart and Generous Kids

Looking to raise money smart kids who are also giving? Aja from Principles of Increase shares her experience as a mother of two kids who are both generous and self starters when it comes to money.

More Than Numbers: Helping Kids with FinancesAja Principles of Increase

I’m excited to share this interview with Aja about how she and her husband are building up positive money habits with their daughters.  As a mom, I’m curious to see how other families work to get ideas on how we can do a better job with our kids.

Raising Generous and Money Smart Kids

As if she didn’t have enough on her plate as a parent, Aja is active in her community and can be found teaching about personal finance, wealth building, and entrepreneurship in church, high school and business settings. She’s also the author behind Debt Free in 24 Hours

Some highlights and takeaways from the interview include:

  • Model the behavior you want to see: While it’s good to tell your kids to budget and watch their money, lessons stick when they see you do it.
  • Make talks about finances a regular thing: As the family was working towards becoming debt free the girls were surrounded with positive money talk.
  • Teach about money on their level: While her daughters may have been too small to understand all of the family budget, Aja and her husband did use opportunities like visiting friends and taking care of neighbors to impart important money lessons.
  • Allow your kid to find their niche: Part of life is about exploration. Aja’s girls have an entrepreneurial streak that they encourage.

Resources on Kids and MoneyLooking to raise money smart kids who are also giving? Aja from Principles of Increase shares her experience as a mother of two kids who are both generous and self starters when it comes to money.

If you’re looking at teaching your children to be smarter and more generous with their money, here are some articles and resources to check out:

Thoughts on Teaching Kids to Give and Make Money

I’d love to hear from you – what lessons are you passing on to your children? How are teaching them? What money habits did you pick up as a kid?

This article by Elle Martinez first appeared on Couple Money Podcast and was distributed by the Personal Finance Syndication Network.

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