Wednesday, May 6, 2015

7 Kinds of Insurance You May Have Overlooked

There are certain kinds of insurance we know we are supposed to buy (or at least consider) — like auto or health insurance. But when it comes to other insurance types like life insurance, there are a wide variety of options. You may not think insurance is exciting or interesting, but it’s important to research and make sure you are getting the policy that is right for you. Check out some of the lesser-known forms of insurance and insurance products so you know what’s out there.

1. Final Expense

Final expense insurance is designed specifically to help your loved ones cover the bills they will face dealing with your death. From medical bills to funeral and burial costs, the amount is not decided based on how much you earn but by the type of event you want after you pass on.

2. Mortgage Protection

If you are ready and committed to buying a home but can’t afford a large down payment or are struggling to persuade a lender you are good for the money, mortgage insurance can help. You pay an additional amount each month to assure the bank or lender that you are covered by a policy in case you can’t afford mortgage payments down the road. The lender is the beneficiary in this case — not you. (In many cases, this is required if you have a down payment of less than 20%.)

3. Critical Illness Life Insurance

You may feel like medical insurance is all you need if your health falters, but medical bills can easily become overwhelming if you fall seriously ill or have a costly medical emergency. Critical illness insurance can pay out a lump sum or a annual payout if you are diagnosed with a disease or health condition (it depends on the specific policy but often cancer, heart attack, etc.). It is in addition to health and disability because it can be used to cover other bills — not just specific health bills but things like travel or housing. This insurance is sometimes offered as a benefit from your employer. If you have to pay for it on your own, it’s important to weigh the cost and potential benefits to decide if it’s worth it.

4. Disability Insurance

Just as many people ignore life insurance because they don’t like to think about their death or think it is so far off they don’t need to prepare now, many people do not think they need disability insurance. This kind of insurance provides you with cash flow in case you become unable to perform the job you do for a living.

5. Endowment Life Insurance

Endowment life insurance comes with a guaranteed payout at the end of a term that you set. It is more like a savings vehicle than term life insurance policies because you make regular monthly payments over the life of a policy and can assign the money to go to beneficiaries even if you, the policyholder, are still alive at the end of the set term. This is a sort of low-risk, low-reward insurance policy.

6. Umbrella Liability Insurance

The general insurance system uses liability insurance for risk financing by protecting the policyholder in case of lawsuits and other claims against them. This can be an especially good idea if you are a business owner or self-employed.

7. Body Parts Insurance

While most people won’t need to insure specific parts of their body, these policies are interesting to learn about. Lots of entertainment companies, sports teams and celebrity managers insure their client’s body part in case of any job-stopping injury. Anyone who is willing to pay the premium can order this special insurance, so you may want to look into it if you owe your livelihood to a very specific part of your body (think pianist’s fingers or a pitcher’s arm).

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This article originally appeared on

This article by AJ Smith was distributed by the Personal Finance Syndication Network.

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