Monday, June 1, 2015

8 Times It Pays to Shell Out a Little More Cash

You may think that all financial experts will tell you to stop spending — but the truth is, sometimes it makes sense to spend. If the item will last longer, saves you time or money, improves your health, or can increase in value, it may make sense to invest in it. Check out some instances where spending can actually help you save.

1. Bulk Buying

It may seem obvious: If you buy more of something, it costs more. But, if you buy a lot of something, it may actually cost less when it seems like it costs more. Buying in bulk can mean you are paying less per item. It’s important to check the unit size of things you are purchasing. Where it often makes sense (household cleaners, toilet paper, toothpaste and other regular necessities), you can spend now to stock up at a lower per item cost and eliminate the need to buy later.

2. A Home

Buying a home is a very complicated decision — likely the biggest financial transaction you will make in your lifetime. The total cost of ownership in a home is a lot more than the list price so it’s important to find one that meets all your needs and can last as long as you will need it. It’s a good idea to consider whether it is better to buy or rent, considering your specific circumstances. Sometimes it might make sense to keep renting but in other situations, you might increase your net wealth more by buying. Homes can also be a great way to build equity and help fund your retirement down the road — it’s important that it’s not the only thing you are counting on, though.

3. Energy-Efficient Products

While it may mean shelling out more at the outset, energy-saving and reliable household appliances can often save you in the long run. They may last longer or run more efficiently so use less energy and therefore, cost you less on bills. Light bulbs, rechargeable batteries, power strips and some smaller purchases are easier to decide on, but for the bigger devices like washing machines, it’s a good idea to crunch some numbers including original price, how long you plan to own the item, possible resale value, and how much it will save from your energy costs.

4. Groceries

Aside from buying in large amounts, you may be able to stay healthier longer if you choose quality food over the cheap, processed stuff. In the end this can save you money on life insurance, health insurance and medical bills. To shop smartly, it’s a good idea to buy in-season foods and create a specific list of needs before you leave the house.

5. Experts

There are some services you simply can’t skimp on. If you are not able to complete a task on your own or if you don’t know enough to make an informed decision on an important topic, it’s important to hire someone who does. This can be true for plumbing or things like your taxes or drafting a will. In the long run, it can save you time and money to have an expert do it right.

6. Education

Going to college or university can be an investment in your future. Deciding if going to college is right for you can be a personal journey as well as a financial one. It’s a good idea to look at the upfront costs of getting a degree as well as the long term impact of job prospects and salary potential.

7. Modes of Transportation

When you need something for the sake of getting around and especially to work, buying the cheapest option isn’t necessarily the best idea. As in a home purchase, it’s important to factor in the total cost of ownership, which includes maintenance, repairs, fuel, storage, parking and any other associated costs.

8. Warranties & Repairs

It is always a good idea to take care of your property and possessions. Sometimes you have the opportunity to purchase extra protection. It’s important to do research and see if buying an extended warranty is worth it, especially the most expensive purchases you make. Sometimes, the cost of replacement is so high, it might be worth it to have the protection. If you think this is the case, be sure to read the fine print so you know exactly what is and isn’t covered. In a similar regard, it’s often a good idea to take the time and money to make repairs when essential so that your products can last longer and you won’t have to replace them as often.

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This article originally appeared on

This article by AJ Smith was distributed by the Personal Finance Syndication Network.

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